I International webinar on careers in environmental social and safeguards
Based on the international community's commitment to the pursuit of sustainability in development activities, the combined field of environmental and social safeguards offers interesting career opportunities for professionals with an interest in sustainable international development. With a greater focus on Latin America and the Caribbean, this International Webinar seeks to provide guidance to undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, researchers and professors on careers in environmental and social safeguards. Presentations will be made in English with summaries in Portuguese. Questions will be taken in English, Portuguese and/or Spanish.
Public: Undergraduate and graduate students, professors, researchers, professionals in the field and the general public.
Certificate of Participation: Yes
Platform: YouTube - Naea UFPA Oficial
Registration: Google Form
Date: June 15, 2021.
Time: 14h-16h (Belém/Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil)
18h-20h (London, U.K.)
13h-15h (Guiana/Suriname)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Luis Eduardo Aragon, NAEA/UFPA
Holds an undergraduate degree in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Education of the National University of Colombia, master's and doctorate in Geography from Michigan State University, post-doctorate in Population Studies from Brown University, post-doctorate in Latin American Studies from Stockholm University.
He also took special courses in Regional Planning and Management of International Cooperation. He served as Executive Secretary of the Association of Amazonian Universities (UNAMAZ), Coordinator of the Special Advisory Office on National and International Relations (ARNI) of the Federal University of Pará, and Coordinator of the Centre for Advanced Amazonian Studies (NAEA/UFPA).
He is Full Professor at the Federal University of Pará and has been a visiting professor / researcher at the University of Swansea (Wales) and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Ecuador. He is Coordinator of the UNESCO / UFPA Chair in South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development.
He was a senior visiting professor at the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and at the Department of Geography at the National University of Colombia, receiving a scholarship from CAPES. At the invitation of the Director-General of UNESCO, he was a member of the International Advisory Council of the UNESCO MAB Program (Paris). He was a member of the Advisory Committee for Social Sciences II and for Environmental Sciences of CNPq. He was a visiting research fellow of CNPq at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). He has a CNPq Productivity fellowship.
Speaker: Dr. Jonathan Renshaw, Member of Rio Doce Independent Scientific and
Technical Advisory Panel (ISTAP), IUCN & Retired Lead Social Specialist from the IDB,
Washington DC, USA.
Holds a degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge (Queen's College 1974) and a doctorate in Social Anthropology from the University of London, London School of Economics and Political Science (1986). He specializes in social development and has been working for 30 years in Latin America and the Caribbean, Southern Asia and Central and Eastern Europe.
He currently serves as an independent consultant, having retired from the position of Lead Social Specialist at the Environmental Safeguards Unit of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC, USA.
His experience includes policy development, strategic studies and, at the country level, preparation of guidance notes and training programs; the development, implementation, supervision and evaluation of a wide range of projects in the areas of resettlement, and managing the social impacts of projects in the areas of infrastructure, programs for indigenous peoples, projects on conservation, environment and poverty reduction, public health and censuses, research and population studies.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hisakhana Corbin, NAEA/UFPA
He has a diploma in General Agriculture (Guyana School of Agriculture, 1998). He possesses an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies (Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Guyana, 2004) and holds a master's degree in Development Planning (Federal University of Pará, 2007).
He holds a PhD in Sciences: Area of Concentration in Socio-Environmental Development (Federal University of Pará, in 2012). He received scholarships from the United Nations University (UNU) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
At present, he works mainly in the areas of population, environment and development. Since July 2014, he serves as Professor and Researcher at the Centre for Advanced Amazonian Studies (NAEA) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) in Brazil. He worked as a Senior Associate in Environmental Safeguards at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC, USA.
At the IDB, he worked in the Social and Environmental Safeguards on projects in a number of sectors including agriculture, climate change, urban development, mining, water and sanitation and modernization of the state. He has participated in academic/professional training and/or developed professional activities in the following countries: Brazil, Belize, Canada, Chile, Guyana, Suriname and the United States.
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